Thursday, April 26, 2012

Do all CD4 T cells become targets for HIV infection after activation?

Do all CD4 T cells become targets for HIV infection?

This is a simple but important question that can easily be answered and the outcome would benefit tremendously to understand the HIV pathogenesis correctly.  If I ask this question to many current immunologists who have spent the majority of their professional lives on CD4 T cell, they would not be able to give you a correct answer, let alone from virologists working on HIV pathogenesis.  Therefore, I decided to describe our current consensus (understanding) on this issue and will add my own version to this.

Current views:
  • Not all CD4 T cells are readily infected by HIV.
  • CCR5 expressing CD4 T cells can only be infected by R5-tropic HIV.
  • CXCR4 expressing CD4 T cells can only be infected by X4-tropic HIV.
  • R5/X4-tropic HIV can infect CD4 T cells that express either CCR5 or CXCR4.
What is not clear:
  • Do all CD4 T cells have potential to express CCR5 and/or CXCR4?
  • Can a specific group of CD4 T cells express either CCR5 or CXCR4?
  • What is the general tendency of expression of these molecules among all CD4 T cells?
My version:
  • Only a specific group of CD4 T cells is able to express CCR5 (HST)
  • The majority of CD4 T cells is able to express CXCR4, especially after activation.
  • There is a possibility that CCR5 expressing CD4 T cells (HST) can express CXCR4 before or after activation.  But this may not be an important issue.
  • The loss of CXCR4 expressing CD4 T cells are not as critical as the loss of CCR5 expressing CD4 T cells.  (Evidence: Berlin patient)
  • Infection of CD4 T cells by X4-tropic HIV infection may not be as critical as that of R5-tropic HIV infection, since the loss of CCR5 expressing CD4 T cells undoubtedly leads to AIDS.
  • The loss of a small population of activated CD4 T cells by X4-tropic HIV infection would leave a small hole in our protective immunity.  Fox example, the loss of certain flu-peptide specific CD4 T cells is not life threatening or leads to systemic immunodeficiency as the loss of HST (HST: CD4 T cells that are susceptible to R5-tropic HIV).  
  • But that is not the case, when we are infected with R5-tropic HIV.  They wipe off all CCR5 expressing CD4 T cells and undoubtedly will lead to an onset of AIDS.
  • Without the presence of R5-tropic HIV, there may not be AIDS.
  • Therefore, it could be very important to be able to separate R5-tropic vs. X4-tropic HIV infection.
  • Why does the loss of CCR5 expressing CD4 T cells lead to AIDS?
  • Why does the loss of total CD4 T cells happen gradually, while the HST are depleted within a matter of weeks after R5-tropic HIV infection?
  • The above questions are apparent ones that are in need of immediate answers.

Relevant publication:

The following is a very specialized issue for advanced immunologists:  It will probably get you bored from the get-go.

Low levels of SIV infection in sooty mangabey central memory CD4+ T cells are associated with limited CCR5 expression

Paiardini, Silvestri and their colleagues from around the world (published in the Nature medicine). (Nature Medicine 2011). Their abstract is as follows,

"Naturally simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected sooty mangabeys do not progress to AIDS despite high-level virus replication. We previously showed that the fraction of CD4+CCR5+ T cells is lower in sooty mangabeys compared to humans and macaques. Here we found that, after in vitro stimulation, sooty mangabey CD4+ T cells fail to upregulate CCR5 and that this phenomenon is more pronounced in CD4+ central memory T cells (TCM cells). CD4+ T cell activation was similarly uncoupled from CCR5 expression in sooty mangabeys in vivo during acute SIV infection and the homeostatic proliferation that follows antibody-mediated CD4+ T cell depletion. Sooty mangabey CD4+ TCM cells that express low amounts of CCR5 showed reduced susceptibility to SIV infection both in vivo and in vitro when compared to CD4+ TCM cells of rhesus macaques. These data suggest that low CCR5 expression on sooty mangabey CD4+ T cells favors the preservation of CD4+ T cell homeostasis and promotes an AIDS-free status by protecting CD4+ TCM cells from direct virus infection."
My personal view on this paper: This is an excellent paper on one of the most important issues in HIV and AIDS research.  Why sooty mangabey is not getting an AIDS-like syndrome even with high titers of SIV?  As usual, they did a very good job.  One of the issues that I do not totally agree with them are marked as a bold/underlined above.  Their experiment is based on an assumption that CCR5 is expressed on the 'so called' effector memory CD4 T cells (TEM), and they are derived from the central memory T cells (CD4+ TCM cells).  That is our current common understanding and paradigm, especially to several investigators for HIV pathogenesis.  However, there is a strong possibility that there is a separate lineage of CD4 T cells that are exclusively able to express CCR5 molecules.  Instead of upregulation as they have claimed, a small number of those cells could be differentially expanded.  I will leave detailed discussion to the current professionals.  Nonetheless, it is one of the essential and basic knowledge to be resolved to design an effective vaccine against HIV.

Key words:
CD4 T cell, HIV, immunologist, virologist, CCR5, CXCR4, R5-tropic, X4-tropic, AIDS, HST, Paiardini, Silvestri, Nature Medicine, SIV, sooty magabey, central memory T cells, effector memory T cells, homeostatic proliferation, rhesus macaque

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