One of the earlier proposals to explain the gradual decline of total number of CD4 T cells was the "bathtub theory", one or two decades ago. Bathtub theory states that CD4 T cells are repeatedly attacked and killed off by HIV without supplying and replenish them fast enough from the thymus. Therefore, the total number of CD4 T cells eventually drained lie the water level in a bathtub with slower water supply but a full drain. This hypothesis may have been proposed even before the significance of R5 tropic virus depleting all CD4 T cells found in mucosal effector sites. Other than bathtub theory, there is not many alternative explanations to explain the gradual decline of total CD4 T cells, an important indicator of the progression of AIDS.
This is one of the hypothesis that I come up with why it takes so long to kill off all the CD4 T cells, if HIV infects and kills only activated CD4 T cells.
Highlights of the theory
The bottom line of this theory is that HST (CD4 T cells that are susceptible to R5-tropic HIV) are all killed within a few weeks by R5-tropic HIV after infection. None of the non-HST are direct targets for R5-tropic HIV, unless they express CCR5. However, there is a possibility that R5 tropic HIV can gain tropism for CXCR4 and become an R5/X4 dual tropic HIV. In addition, not only R5-tropic HIV, but also X4 tropic HIV is also co-infected an individual. I have to emphasize that infection of X4 tropic HIV will not cause AIDS.
- HST are infected by the R5-tropic HIV and depleted rapidly.
- The loss of HST will lead to the failure in a maturation of antigen presenting cells (APCs), such as dendritic cells.
- The lack of mature APCs fail to activate naive CD4 T cells, which were developed in the thymus and migrated to the lymphoid organs.
- Since naive T cells cannot survive forever and have a life span as a quiescent stage, the number of these population will gradually decrease, leading to the decline in total number of CD4 T cells.
- The proposal suggests a three step process for the gradual decrease in a total number of CD4 T cells.
- the loss of HST
- Failure to activate antigen presenting cells due to the loss of HST
- Failure to activate naive T cells within their life-span
Studies supporting above hypothesis: (Many of them are for professionals only)
- HST (CCR5+ CD4 T cells) are depleted within a matter of weeks (by many reviews written by many authors, such as Picker L, Douek D, Silvestri G etc.). This is a well established phenomenon.
- Effector memory T cells (TEM) are professional CD40 ligand expressing CD4 T cells (by Sallusto's group in JEM). HST share the majority of phenotypes with TEM.
- APCs becomes fully matured by interactions of CD40L-CD40. This is well established among immunologists for two decades.
- Several recent studies and concept of naive T cells suggest that naive T cells are in the stage of quiescence, just like many stem cells. They are live, but in a stage of quiescence, just surviving without much expenditure of energy.
- Certain molecules are involved in maintaining quiescence. Those are, Foxo proteins, transcription factors KLF2, Id2, etc.
- The lack of these proteins in mouse lacking genes encoding these proteins usually lose naive T cell population, without leaving behind effector memory T cells at the mucosal effector sites.
- Dipeptidyl Peptidase 2 (DPP2), by Dr. B. Huber of Tufts, has been linked to the survival of quiescent cells. Partial deficiency of DPP2 by knockdown expression of a gene encoding DPP2 resulted in the generation of Th17 cells, suggesting Th17 cells are not derived from naive T cells. This hypothesis needs several leaps of imagination.
Key words:
HIV, AIDS, CD4 T cells, CCR5 tropic, CXCR4 tropic, HST (CD4 T cells that are susceptible to R5-tropic HIV infection), antigen presenting cells, naive T cells, effector memory T cells, Picker, Douek, Silvestri, Sallusto, Huber, Th17, quiescent, stem cells, FOXO, KLF2, Id2,